Wednesday, April 4, 2007

more sparagmos

I've been thinking about how to organize my paper on sparagmos and about where to go from where I am...which is here. :)

The primary question I think I need to address is what is being displaced when sparagmos gets displaced? And, is this true when sparagmos also involves omophagia?

It seems to me (and to some of the articles I've been reading) that sparagmos has different purposes.
1. Taking apart to eventually reassemble
2. Taking apart to have it become a part of you (usually involving omophagia)
3. Taking apart as a form of communication - a statement
Then, I think I need to think about these ideas.
4. Some authors seem to think that we're moving from the sparagmos of gods to the sparagmos of scapegoats? Why?
5. What if the sparagmos is self-inflicted?

I'm planning on looking at several works, including Suddenly, Last Summer; King Lear; The Bible; Silence of the Lambs.

I also think I need to look at the difference between sparagmos in comedy and tragedy, taking another look at Frye.

Last, but not least, what is the connection between carnival and sparagmos?

That's it.

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