Sunday, April 29, 2007

last poems

ADD Man – 30,000 Feet Above Wyoming

I spotted him in the security line - jittery, drinking a coffee, talking on a cell phone,
I knew he was trouble.

Immediately, I prayed a silent prayer for myself – that this man was not on my flight.

Apparently, it was ironic day in heaven.
Because ADD man sat right next to me.
Before the flight departed
He fielded four calls – made three.
He drank a coffee.
He read half a book (He was a speed reader, duh).
He chewed gym.
He ignored the safety speech.
He had chronic halitosis.

His energy was too much for him. It flowed in excess from his shaking legs.
Hey, Shaky McShakypants, can I help you take your Ritalin with a heaping helping of

Even his urine was energized. It had to leave his body – often.
Up/down/up/down – I was in Catholic Church for spazzes.

He was Speedy Gonzales.
He was a gerbil on crack.

Oh, ADD man, What’s your hurry?
Take a load off.

Sit somewhere else.


They are in love with the majesty of violet mountains.
Enamored with the juts and crags.

Give me the open spaces of the plains.

I want a man with dirt in his teeth.
And tumbleweed on his grill.
Weathered laugh lines around his eyes
Hands rough from the wind.

Let’s drive for miles on a straight road
Moving forward – not up
Returning back – not down

There’s something to be said about consistency
To lives without peaks and valleys

They say there’s nothing here to love – nothing to see
So they move away from green pastures to purple mountains.

Let them go.

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