Thursday, February 1, 2007

Dreams - Wednesday night, January 31

Dream Wednesday night – January 31st

I am in my childhood church in Chinook, but I am the age that I am now. When it is time to take communion, I walk to and kneel at the altar naked, and I don’t seem to mind at all. In fact, as I turn from communion, I stand and face the audience, looking them all in the face. I even spread my arms out to my side, palms up, and assume a kind of Jesus on the cross pose. The pews, which from my seat looked packed, now reveal that there are not very many people in church. In fact, the entire left side of the church is empty except for my parents, who are sitting in the back.
When the service is over, a woman from the church I attend in Lewistown who is fairly unpleasant and incredibly aggressive, shoves past me at the pew to talk to her husband. I’ve had my clothes back on since I returned from communion.
After church, I go to a little room off the back of the sanctuary, kind of like a crying room for little children. This is a new addition to the church, which is getting remodeled. Dani and Ashley meet me there, where I am sitting with Dani’s boyfriend. Dani plugs in her blow dryer to dry her hair. I tell her she has to do that in the sanctuary.
We decide to go for a walk by the lake. The lake is disgusting, you can clearly see piles and piles of garbage at the bottom of it – spray starch bottles, old washing machines – most of this is located at the bottom of a little waterfall underneath the surface of the lake. It seems to really just be a dump at the bottom of a small lake. Ashley pretends to push her friend Katie in the water, but I tell her that this a really bad idea, given the filth. We now have a little boy with us, and we can’t understand what he’s saying. But, he’s very happy to be with us. We found him at a resort next to the lake.
When we go back in to the resort, (we had apparently already checked in, but were waiting for our room to be made up) there is a business conference going on. There are a lot of good-looking foreign men in suits and ties. We sit in the old 70s-style reception area to wait for our room. While we are waiting, the woman who owns the hotel is loudly talking about all of the spiders they’ve had in their hotel lately. She is killing many of them on the fireplace as we sit there – laughingly saying “Oh my goodness, there’s another one. We’ve had sooo many spiders lately.”
The room becomes a type of classroom, where we sit at tables – each of us has a computer. I’m trying to pay attention to what the professor is saying. She asks a question directly to me; I shake my head “no” – like I don’t know the answer. She praises me for providing the correct answer, which is no. I start surfing the internet, but land on a site with a very loud voiceover. I can’t shut it off. I try to turn over the speakers – shove them under my sweater – hug the computer, which also has speakers – but it won’t shut off. I have to explain to the professor why I’m on the internet while she’s trying to teach me about Shakespeare.
(Alarm rings)

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