So...deja vu is not us remembering something that happened to us; deja vu is us tapping into an unconscious archetype. I don't know if that makes sense to any of you, but it makes great sense to me and my very strong, weight-lifting brain.
Jamie tried to give me some "logical" and "realistic" scientific explanation about how deja vu is just our brains misfiring and sending our short-term memories into our long-term memories or some scientific mumbo-jumbo like that. But, I'm not buying it. My explanation is far more credible. :)
1 comment:
So maybe our brains do misfire, I don't see how organic realms are not also part of the experience. According to the "The Matrix" deja vu is a "glitch in the Matrix," a misfiring of the giant brian, when the Agents Smith slip into your reality and tear you apart.
But Mel, I think your theory is spot-on. I actually had such a moment recently, it really shook me because I'm starting to pay attention to things like this. I wonder if it is possible to obtain a prolonged state of deja vu, say for 10 minutes. Could this be what "Groundhog Day" was getting at?
It actually helps interpret a fairly difficult line from Four Quartets. A man and woman are walking in a garden they've been coaxed into by a deceitful little bird, it is that in-between time of summer-spring, and Eliot writes
The unheard music hidden in the shrubbery,
And the unseen eyebeam crossed, for the roses
had the look of flowers that are looked at
What is an "eyebeam" and what sort of look do flowers have that have the "look of flowers that are being looked at" ?
Are these crossings of eyebeams a sort of alignment with your subconscious archetypal moment? Is it latent memory allowing you to have a synoptic moment within your own life? "I have looked at these flowers before, and now I look again."
Ok, this is getting way to close to mysticism. Mel, you better put your theory in the vault where Indiana Jones puts all his stuff.
hmmm...maybe Jamie's on to something...
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