Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Sparagmos Game

Let's play "The Sparagmos Game." It's fun for the whole family - especially if you're an ancient Greek family. Here's how you play. I'll post pictures. You decide if the pictures contain or are examples of sparagmos (ritual tearing of flesh). Ready? Remember, displacement and/or omophagia (eating the flesh) may be involved.


This is Mike Tyson biting Evander Holyfield's ear, and Evander Holyfield's ear in the aftermath. Sparagmos?
I think so.


These are grandmothers holding their grandchildren. Sparagmos?

Well, unfortunately, these innocent-looking grandmas probably just said something like, "You're so cute, I could just eat you up, sweetheart." So, sparagmos? Yep. Displaced? I think so.


This is a WWII map. Sparagmos?

Did you guess no? Well, you were probably wrong. Sure, it's not literal sparagmos, but neither was the grandma example. This, I think, could be classified as an example of geographic sparagmos. Countries were conquered (swallowed up) and then rent asunder by those who were victorious.

You're doing well, though. Two left. Keep up the good work.


Cheese. Not sparagmos.

This is Osiris. (Hint: He was chopped into 14 pieces and scattered.) Sparagmos?
Did you guess yes? We'll you're most decidedly correct.
Good job today! Maybe we can play again next week! (The accuracy of my responses has yet to be determined.)

1 comment:

Jamie said...

The game was oodles of fun. Thanks for that!

Hope you have a sparagmos-free spring break.